Sunday 16 November 2014

Too Much Information...

Hey guys, Katy here.
So recently I've been nominated by my friend to do the TMI YouTube tag thing on my blog...Sorry if this is quite a boring post, but I thought it'd be fun, and it's a good way for you guys to get to know me here it is!

1. What are you wearing?
Jeans, tank top and a chequered shirt.
2. Ever been in love?
I am now and have been once before.
3. Ever had a terrible break up?
Yes, my first love.
4. How tall are you?
Last time I checked I was 5"6.
5. How much do you weigh?
7 and a half stone.
6. Any tattoos?
7. Any piercings? 
8. OTP?
Da fuq does this mean?
9. Favourite show?
I'm afraid to say, it has to be either Eastenders or I'm A Celebrity...
10. Favourite bands?
Green Day, Fall Out Boy, McBusted and Muse.
11. Something you miss?
12. Favourite song?
At the moment, it would have to be either Blank Space by Taylor Swift or Letterbomb by Green Day.
13. How old are you?
14 and a half. Yes, that half does count!
14. Zodiac Sign?
15. Quality you look for in your partner?
Sense of humour.
16. Favourite quote?
Fuck-a-doodle-doo! from Shaun of the Dead.
17. Favourite actor?
Either Jude Law or Robert Pattinson.
18. Favourite colour?
19. Loud music or soft?
Loud music, isn't it mum?
20. Where do you go when you're sad?
I usually lock myself in my bedroom and cuddle my dog Jessie.
21. How long does it take you to shower?
Probably 10-15 mins
22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Well allowing time to choose my outfit and dancing around to my music, probably like 50 minutes.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
If you include pulling someone's hair, then yes.
24. Turn on?
Boys sleepy voice, has to be.
25. Turn off?
When a boy is constantly talking about his ex.
26. The reason I joined YouTube?
Well, in our case, it's blogger, and I joined because I thought I would share my thoughts with the world, and it turns out, the world likes it.
27. Fears?
Spiders, Snakes, Clowns, The Dark and loosing all of my friends and family.
28. Last thing that made you cry?
I watched The Fault in our Stars for the first time last night...
29. Last time you said you loved someone?
I literally just texted my boyfriend saying I loved him like 5 minutes ago.
30. Meaning of your YouTube name?
Again, in our case, my blog name. Well, I love the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and I thought it was a cool name, so I decided to steal 'The Curious Case of' and K.J.Crockett is my name.
31. Last book you read?
The first book from the Hunger Games trilogy.
32. The book your currently reading?
The second book from the Hunger Games trilogy.
33. Last show you watched?
The Only way is Essex.
34. Last person I spoke to?
My mum.
35. Relationship between you and the last person you texted?
Charlie, my boyfriend.
36. Favourite Food?
Chocolate, Cake, Pizza or Ice Cream.
37. Place you want to visit?
New York.
38. Last place you were?
I went to Exeter yesterday.
39. Do you have a crush?
Does that include my boyfriend?
40. Last time I kissed someone?
When I said goodbye to my Boyfriend earlier on today.
41. Favourite flavour of sweet?
42. Last time you were insulted?
Friday, by my annoying ex boyfriend.
43. What instruments do you play?
Guitar and a little bit of Piano
44. Favourite piece of jewellery?
I don't really wear jewellery...
45. Last sport you played?
Table Tennis at school.
46. Last song you sang?
Pompeii by Bastille.
47. Favourite chat up line?
If you were food, you'd be cake. I LIKE CAKE.
48. Ever used it?
49. Last time you hung out with someone.
Today, with my boyfriend.
50. Who should answer these questions next?
Any of my readers who can be bothered.

Well there you go. My TMI questions. Again, sorry if you found this post boring, but if you found it useful or entertaining, glad you did.
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you. I have nearly reached 2,000 views!

Until next time,
Katy x

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Halloween Memories

Hello there, Internet strangers. It has been an extremely long time since I have seen you last, which I do apologise for. I have a a common disease called writer's block. Wondering what to write about next.
It is that time of year when we all act our scariest, and dress up for Halloween. As I am writing this, Halloween is only two days away. I came up with the idea of telling you about my Halloween Memories through out the years.

This year is my first year of holding a Halloween Party, all of my own. My friends mentioned the idea of having a big party together, and asked 'Who has the biggest and most creepiest house??' and seeing as I live in a Grade 2 listed Old Mill (in modern day language, I have a water wheel attached to the side of my house), and that my house is hundreds of years old and has many Ghost stories, all of my friends looked at me, and asked weather I could host the party.
After sweet talking my mum, I managed to convince my parents to agree to me hosting this party. So I have 5 of my girls (the rest didn't realise they had other arrangements with there parents that night) coming to my house on Friday night, dressed up as scary stuff, while we eat pizza, chill and listen to music, play games etc. and then 4 of them staying the night. I cannot wait.

One quite scary, yet embarrassing memory from Halloween is from when I was a lot younger, and I was home alone with my mum. My dad was at a boring old council meeting.
As we usually do, me and my mum were sitting down in the lounge, watching EastEnders.  It was about 8:20pm, and it was pitch black. Bearing in mind, that where I used to live, we ever got any trick or treater's, the door bell suddenly went.

My mum slowly walked up to the door and yelled out "Who is it?" and we then got a reply in a deep man's voice saying "It's me". For some reason, my mum thought it was a man named Fred, who owned our house before we moved there. So she unlocked the door, and opened it slightly. According to my mum, she saw this 'ghastly black face with blood stains going 'roar' '. My mum screamed and said "Ew, go away!". She locked the door behind her, grabbed me and ran upstairs to her and my dad's bedroom. She told me that we were not leaving the room until my dad got home.
Eventually we found out that it was my dad's friend Christopher, and his son who is one year older than me,  Johnathan.

Another Halloween experience I had was at a Halloween Trick or Treating experience and Party that my primary school had organised. Whilst we were walking around my village, trick or treating, we were made to walk through the graveyard of the village church, when it was pitch black, and the only light was from the moon.
I was absolutely terrified. We walking in single file, but holding onto one anothers hands. When we walked around a corner near the bottom of the church steeple, there was the school secretary waiting for us to walk past, and she grabbed each of us around our tummy's. Forgetting that we had our one and only male teacher at the school, Mr Newell, with us, the secretary went out to grab him, but as he was taller than us children, the secretary, Mrs Jordan, grabbed a very private place on Mr Newell... I didn't know about it at the time, but learnt about it when I was older, in year 6.

Well, that's it folks. The end of another blog. Keep reading, I currently have over 1,700 views! I couldn't thank you enough. I never thought my blogs would achieve that many views.

Until next time,
Katy x

Sunday 14 September 2014

Is It Just Me?

Well Hello there, blog world. What day is it? Sunday! One of my favourite days, because..... ROAST DINNER!
So, today I thought I would write a post about my little hates in life and question Is It Just Me? Yes, you're going to learn about what really gets my blood boiling, and my O.C.D fired away.

1. Turned On Plug Sockets

One of the most annoying things, that I come across in day-to-day life. On a plug socket, when nothing is plugged in, but yet, it's still switched on and the red side is facing upwards. I don't know if it's my father in me, thinking about wasting electricity, or whether it's just my O.C.D kicking in, when the other switch is off.

2. Human Hairs on Jumpers

One of my main O.C.D problems is when people have dark coloured jumpers/cardigans and they're covered in shiny human hairs. The most annoying times this happens is when you are sitting on a public bus, and the person sitting in front of you has a few hairs on them, which you are itching to remove from them, but don't want to seem like some sort of weirdo touching strangers. So, in the end, I just sit there, trying to hold my hand back my hand from grabbing the hairs off. I end up looking like I have an arm with a life of its own and I have to control it.

3. Last Minute Changes

Surely I can't be the only one who finds this annoying. When you arrange plans with someone, and you're looking forward to it, and you're all ready to go and meet them, and just as you leave the house, the other person messages/texts you saying that 'Something has come up' or 'I can't come anymore'. I get so annoyed with that person at first and go into a bad mood with them. But usually in the end, I see sense, and I become tamed again.

4. Even Volume Numbers

You're sitting in the car and listening to the radio, in your room and your iPod is on shuffle or you're just listening to a CD. Suddenly, your favourite song comes on (For me 'Dark Horse' by Katy Perry or 'Classic' by MKTO) and you just have to turn the volume up. At this point, my OCD kicks in and the volume HAS to be on a even number. In my view, odd numbers are bad luck, so it always has to be even.

5. Pencil Case and Book Arrangement on Table

Now, at school, you always have to have your pencil case (for me, pencil caseS because I have one for ordinary stuff and another one for just fine liners) and your homework planner out on the table with you in a lesson. My O.C,D always kicks in at this point and my planner has to be at the corner of the table, with my two pencil cases on top of it. This is probably the only time in my life that I am organised and neat.

Well, reader chums, now you know more about me. What really annoys me, and my OCD habits. Hopefully I won't be the only person who gets annoyed about these things...
Until Next Time
Katy x 

Thursday 4 September 2014

An Incite Into My Madness

Hey there Internet! (Yes I did just use a danisnotonfire quote, and if you do not know who he is, please go step on a piece of lego, and return to reading my blog post).

So, school has started and we are starting to see people that we love/hate everyday. For this blog post, I have decided to talk about memories I have from school. Yes, if you have read my past blogs or you do in fact no me in person, you know that I am still in school. But I thought I would talk about silly little things me and my friends make up in our little world. Some don't make sense unless you were actually there at the time, and some are hard to explain. But I am going to do my best and try and give you an introduction to the world of me and my friends...Good Luck!

Now, firstly, I moved schools in January, and I will be talking about memories from both schools. There is West Buckland and Pilton. I am currently at Pilton.

I am going to start off with a memory from West Buckland. I was with my group of friends, and one of them, Beth, grabbed hold of my leg, and was hugging it. Suddenly, she said 'Katy, I can see up your skirt' so I said 'oh well done you lesbian, that's what you get when you hug peoples legs' so she said that she wasn't a lesbian, she was a shoe, and then suddenly my friend Meera suddenly yelled 'She's a lesbian shoe!!'. So, from there on, we started calling each other lesbian shoes...

One of the carrying on personal jokes I have at Pilton is 'Ducky'.. So Me, Cara and Emily were in French class, in the computer lab. We were learning about how to write/speak about where we live. Cara didn't know what to put, so she just put some random words into Google Translate, and hoped for the best. Turns out she wrote, in french 'Cara lives in a big yellow duck', so now, in our fantasy world, Cara lives in a big yellow duck, on the river Clyde (Cara is actually Scottish), and her nickname, Ducky..

Another good joke from Pilton is 'The Butter on the Wall'. At our school canteen, you can buy little bread rolls with a little pouch of butter (that's a good word, ain't it. POUCH). I can't exactly remember who it was, but someone out of the big group of us who hang outside the school science block bought one of these butter pouches, and decided to put it on the wall. They removed the gold wrapper, so there was just a massive blob of butter on the wall. From then on, touching 'The Butter on The Wall' would be like touching the cheese from the film 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid'. A few months later, when the butter was still there, someone decided to add to the butter and put some yogurt on top of it. All the boys always threaten to push each other into it.. Remains of 'The Butter on The wall' still remain there today.

Going back to West Buckland, a strong memory that comes to mind is Trevor the Ghost. West Buckland is a 150 and something year old private school. And the place me and my friends used to hang out was at the back of the big assembly hall, called the 'Memorial Hall', is one of the oldest parts of the school. Me and my best mate Danielle had this theory that the school was haunted by a ghost, and we decided to make this ghost our friend, and we named him Trevor. At the back of the hall where these white doors with windows on them, and every so often when me and my friends were up there, chatting and being crazy, as we usually did, these doors used to open and close, all by themselves. When this happened, other than getting slightly creeped out, we said 'Trevor Returns!'.

Reading back on this post, I think I have probably given you readers more than you can handle... Oh well! You have now had an incite into the life that is me. Weather it has been helpful for you or not, I have no idea. But if my friends are reading this, I'm sure they'll enjoy remembering our weird, weird past.

Until next time,
Katy x

Sunday 31 August 2014

My Summer Holidays

Well hello there strangers. I haven't seen you in a while. I am afraid I have been very busy over the summer holidays. But now, unfortunately, summer is coming to an end *sigh* and school is just around the corner (for me, Wednesday 3rd), so I return!
For this post, I thought I would tell you all about the antics that have happened during My Summer Holidays.

As most teenagers do, I spent most of my time with my Friends. From shopping in Plymouth, going to the cinema, to hanging round my house with Pizza and two guitars. I have had many great times with my friends this summer, although I have had a few eye openers, and found who are my true and proper friends.
And yes, I have had a few lovers over the summer. When I say a few, I mean two. But I am now, back to my single pringle status, and I am loving it.

One good memory I have with my friends over the summer is going shopping with my friends Dan and Cara to Plymouth. Other than being extremely disappointed when I realised that I wouldn't see Tom Daley because he was up in Glasgow at the commonwealth games, I had an amazing time. I remember me and Cara coming out of HMV, having bought a poster and a cd each, and our carrier bags looked like axes, and we were storming round Drake's Circus, pretending we had come out of a medieval battle.

Another memory from this summer is going to a Madness tribute band with my parents, my brother and his wife. I didn't spend much time there, I went and saw a few mates who lived near the venue, and hanged with them, but I got back for the last half an hour of the show, and just remember my brother being drunk, and his... special dances...

Recently this week, I went up to London with my mum. I had the excitable pleasure of being able to go to Warner Brothers Studio Tours: The Making of Harry Potter. Yes, I am 14, but being extremely excited would be an under statement for how I felt walking through the doors. I am one huge Harry Potter fan, and proud to be it. If you have a problem with that, you can swish and flick off.

It has now come to the end of yet another blog post. And I would just like to say a huge thank you to my readers, because I only started this blog a view months back, and I seem to have over 1,100 blog views, which amazes me, seeing as I'm just a 14 year old girl, blabbing on and on.

Until next time,
Katy x

Monday 28 July 2014

Embarrassing, ain't it?

Well, my dear blog readers. I am so sorry for the long gap between my last blog post. Been busy over the summer holidays. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten you! So, to punish my self for my absence, I have decided to share with you my embarrassments, by doing my Top 10 Embarrassing Moments. Here goes nothing...

#10. My Mum walking in on me and my boyfriend

Now, don't worry. It's not as bad as it sounds. I'm only 14 remember. We were doing what most teenage couples do, and making out in my bedroom. And my mum decided to walk into my room, without knocking on the door...

#9. Walking out of The toilets at School with skirt tucked into the top of my tights 

This was all the way back in Year 7. I was in the bathroom at school with two of my friends. I walked out of the cubicle and both of my mates were giggling, and I had no idea why. I asked them what was so funny, and they both said it was nothing. So, we walked out into the corridor. Then this year 11 girl tapped me on the shoulder, and told me 'excuse me, your skirt is tucked into the top of your tights'. I looked down and realized what she had said was true, and realized my panties were on show the entire time...

#8. Burping whilst walking down the aisle at my brother's wedding

I was a bridesmaid for my brother's fiancee at their wedding. On the day, I was walking behind my soon-to-be sister-in-law and her father. It was all so magical, until my belly decided to do it's impression of a whale... Luckily, no one heard it, except the other bridesmaids who were all younger than me, and they just giggled.

#7. Dad doing jazz hands dance in front of my friend

About a year ago, I was having a sleepover with my friend from Primary school. I hadn't seen her in ages, it was a great chance for a catch up. Now, we were in the lounge, watching a film, as you do at sleepovers. My dad then suddenly decided to come into the lounge, and do his most embarrassing jazz hands dance, wearing only his underpants...

#6. Mum laughing loudly in the cinema

A few years back, me and my parents went up to Wales to visit my auntie and uncle. We decided to go and see Johnny English: Reborn at the cinema. In one scene, my mum decided to laugh so loudly, and in the laugh, pig snorts were included.

#5. Mum showing my baby photos to my boyfriend

In a relationship, there always comes a point where your parents want to show off your embarrassing baby photos to your partner. My mum decided to do this with one of my ex's.

#4. Showing off to my friends, and breaking my coxes

On my 13th birthday, I had a few friends back after school and we were going to go to Pizza Express for a birthday meal. Before going for the meal, me and my mates were messing around at my house. I decided to show off, and flop onto my sofa in a cool way. I unfortunately hit my coxes bone on the hard bit in between the cushions, and I broke the coxes bone... Good one Katy.

#3. Mum walking in on my mini festival

As I have mentioned in my past blog posts, I hold mini music festivals, and one time, I was doing my slutty Britney impression, and Mum walked in on it...

#2. Acting cool in front of my crush, with mum around

I was in my local town with my mum, and suddenly I saw my crush. So I decided to do a bit of a sexy walk to try and impress him. He was actually noticing me for once! Then my mum decided to say, rather loudly, 'Katy, why are you walking all weird and looking like a slut?'. My crush must of heard her....

#1. Mum walking up to my crush and introducing herself

At parents evening, I pointed out my crush to my mum, and she decided to go and introduce herself to him and his parents. She said  'So I hear you have stolen my daughter's heart?'...........

So there you go Blog readers. There are my most embarrassing, so far..... Quite funny how many of them include my mum. Says something, don't it?

Until next time
Katy x

Saturday 12 July 2014

Parents These Days...

Well, blog readers. The time has come for my next blog post... You poor, poor soul... . Now after lots of consideration of what to talk about in my next post, I have come to a conclusion. If you're a smart cookie, then you would have noticed the topic is in the title. And if you haven't, well... Go and play. Brain Training DS or something, because you really need to pay more attention... Yes, the Topic is Parents These Days...

As a teenager, I have to live and put up with parents all of the time. Probably one of the only reasons I enjoy school, is just to get away from my parents for a little while, the constant nagging, and just to generally mingle with other people. But don't get me wrong, I do love my parents.

Now, like the rest of my generation, I pretty much live in my bedroom when at home. Except when there is food involved, and the scent of my mum's cooking fills the house, and creeps underneath my bedroom door. When I do eventually move from my normal position (flopped on my bed, on my iPad, with a side of crisps), I'm like a little hedgehog coming out of hibernation, and when sunlight hits me for the first time, I'm like the witch from The Wizard of Oz...'I'm Melting!'. But usually by the time food is in my sight, all is good.

When my parents decide to intrude my privacy in my bedroom, they come in, say what they need to say, and then leave. But the most annoying-ist part about it is (other than invading my privacy), is that they do not bother to shut the door behind them! I mean, shutting a door isn't freakin' rocket science! It won't take you two seconds just to turn around and shut the door behind you! Geez...

Unfortunately in my life, I experience many embarassing moments. Don't we all though? But one of the most embarassing things that happenend was when my mum decided to walk into the bedroom without knocking... Oh god, that sounds extremely wrong... But it's not what you think, don't worry. Like I said in my first post, 'Who am I?', I like to hold mini music festivals in my front room when my parents are out of the house. But the other day, when just my mum was home, I really wanted to hold yet another mini festival. So, I decided to hold one in my bedroom. I popped on my best summer dress and ray bans on and dance on my bed infront of my mirror, with my music on loud. I was having a ball. Until my mum decided to come into my room and spoil it all... 7 words. THE MOST EMBARASSING MOMENT OF MY LIFE. Well, other than that time I... Actually, thats for me to know and you to find out.

My mother is a rather special case actually. She seems to be turning into Penny, Miranda Hart's mother from the amazingly brilliant TV show 'Miranda'. One of the ways I can tell this is by the way she say's 'Such Fun!'. Also, she says 'What I call' a few times, and then calls the TV remotes Doobries. But then again, I call them that too... Uh-Oh, I'm turning into my mother!

Well, my dear reader chums, it has come to the end of yet another blog post. I hope you enjoyed it and that you laughed at my little life conundrums. If you do have any suggestions for the topic of my next post, do contact me, as I'd love to hear what you think.
All the Best. See you next time!
Katy x

Sunday 6 July 2014

Who Am I?

Well hello there, my fellow blog readers.
Now, you're probably wondering who the heck am I? Yes? Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Katy Crockett, I am 14 years of age, and am about to embark on one of the most important things that will influence my future and career path. No, not what wether to have my 6 inch. sub from subway to be toasted or not, I am talking about my GCSE's. I haven't actually started them yet, but will this coming September.

Anyway, for my first proper blog post, I thought I would do '10 (not) interesting facts about me' . Now, if you survive the whole 10 facts, then bravo, you shall have a nice, rich tea biscuit to celebrate. Actually, you won't. I shall eat your rich tea biscuit whilst writing there isn't much point in reading this...oh well, let's go with it anyway. Here goes:

1. I have some very interesting cravings

Yes, unfortunately, I do have some rather odd cravings. My most consistent one is my craving for Jam. Not just any jam. It has to be Strawberry jam.

2. I have many Fan Girl Crushes

As most teenage girls, I have a collection of Fangirl crushes. My most powerful ones are Zac Efron, Harry Judd, Ross Lynch and Robert Downey Jnr. Yes, the last one may be old enough to be my father, but who cares. He is probably the George Clooney of my generation, along with Benedict Cumberbatch.

3. I have a twin

This is actually something quite a lot of people don't actually know about me. I do in fact have a twin sibling. Don't worry, i'm not crazy and keep my twin locked away in a cupboard. Unfortunately, my twin died when my mother was 8 weeks pregnant. I know what you are probably thinking, 'Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!'. No mean to sound harsh or selfish, but it actually doesn't emotionally effect me. I just thank the lord that I am the surviving twin, and that I am healthy.

4. I can probably recite most lines from the film 'Titanic'

Ok, so maybe not all of the film, but if we were watching the film, and you randomly paused it, other than being extremely annoyed at you, I could probably say the next 10 lines, because I have watched it that many times.

5. I know all the lyrics to most JLS songs

I know probably most of you may not like JLS, but I freaking well love them. From Beat Again, to the last single Billion Lights, I know all of the lyrics. That is why is there was a GCSE in JLS lyrics, I would get an A* with honours.

6. When I am home alone, I hold a mini Glastonbury festival in my front lounge

When my parents are out, and I am the only one in the house, I switch the TV on, put MTV on with the volume on loud, I sing my heart out, and prance around like a mini Beyonce. 

7. I have to have my iPhone with me pretty much 24/7

I can never be without my phone. I think, 'What if my crush suddenly decides to message me on Facebook?' (That will probably never happen, considering that he hates me) or 'What if my mother gets hit by a Tractor with a trailer carrying sheep?!' (Considering where I live, that might happen, with the sheep I mean).

8. I have to have some sort of contact with my Best Friends at least once a day

To making up random paradies including ducks and chickens to songs from Frozen, to planning on running up our local high street in our onesies. I have to talk to my girls at least once a day.

9. I can't go a day without listening to either Green Day, Muse or 30 Seconds to Mars

I love all of these bands, so going a day without listening to either of them would a day not worth living.

10. I go to bed late everynight, and regret it every morning

Ok, ok, I know pretty much every teenager does this, but I do it EVERY night. I go to bed at like 11:00pm, and then have to wake up at 6:50am for school. Most adults would say, Go to bed earlier!, but they have no idea what it is like to live in our generation. With Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc. having constant access, it is hard for us to say to ourselves 'No. Put the phone down and go to sleep!'.

Well done, dear blog reader. You survived the 10 facts of me. You now know a little about me and what I'm about. I hope you enjoyed reading, and that you will enjoy my future posts, when I remember to write them. Oh, and I am sorry to say, that you shall definitely not be getting that rich tea biscuits that I mentioned at the beggining. It has now departed this life, and now in a happier place (A.K.A my stomach).

Much love. See you next time!
Katy x