Sunday 6 July 2014

Who Am I?

Well hello there, my fellow blog readers.
Now, you're probably wondering who the heck am I? Yes? Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Katy Crockett, I am 14 years of age, and am about to embark on one of the most important things that will influence my future and career path. No, not what wether to have my 6 inch. sub from subway to be toasted or not, I am talking about my GCSE's. I haven't actually started them yet, but will this coming September.

Anyway, for my first proper blog post, I thought I would do '10 (not) interesting facts about me' . Now, if you survive the whole 10 facts, then bravo, you shall have a nice, rich tea biscuit to celebrate. Actually, you won't. I shall eat your rich tea biscuit whilst writing there isn't much point in reading this...oh well, let's go with it anyway. Here goes:

1. I have some very interesting cravings

Yes, unfortunately, I do have some rather odd cravings. My most consistent one is my craving for Jam. Not just any jam. It has to be Strawberry jam.

2. I have many Fan Girl Crushes

As most teenage girls, I have a collection of Fangirl crushes. My most powerful ones are Zac Efron, Harry Judd, Ross Lynch and Robert Downey Jnr. Yes, the last one may be old enough to be my father, but who cares. He is probably the George Clooney of my generation, along with Benedict Cumberbatch.

3. I have a twin

This is actually something quite a lot of people don't actually know about me. I do in fact have a twin sibling. Don't worry, i'm not crazy and keep my twin locked away in a cupboard. Unfortunately, my twin died when my mother was 8 weeks pregnant. I know what you are probably thinking, 'Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!'. No mean to sound harsh or selfish, but it actually doesn't emotionally effect me. I just thank the lord that I am the surviving twin, and that I am healthy.

4. I can probably recite most lines from the film 'Titanic'

Ok, so maybe not all of the film, but if we were watching the film, and you randomly paused it, other than being extremely annoyed at you, I could probably say the next 10 lines, because I have watched it that many times.

5. I know all the lyrics to most JLS songs

I know probably most of you may not like JLS, but I freaking well love them. From Beat Again, to the last single Billion Lights, I know all of the lyrics. That is why is there was a GCSE in JLS lyrics, I would get an A* with honours.

6. When I am home alone, I hold a mini Glastonbury festival in my front lounge

When my parents are out, and I am the only one in the house, I switch the TV on, put MTV on with the volume on loud, I sing my heart out, and prance around like a mini Beyonce. 

7. I have to have my iPhone with me pretty much 24/7

I can never be without my phone. I think, 'What if my crush suddenly decides to message me on Facebook?' (That will probably never happen, considering that he hates me) or 'What if my mother gets hit by a Tractor with a trailer carrying sheep?!' (Considering where I live, that might happen, with the sheep I mean).

8. I have to have some sort of contact with my Best Friends at least once a day

To making up random paradies including ducks and chickens to songs from Frozen, to planning on running up our local high street in our onesies. I have to talk to my girls at least once a day.

9. I can't go a day without listening to either Green Day, Muse or 30 Seconds to Mars

I love all of these bands, so going a day without listening to either of them would a day not worth living.

10. I go to bed late everynight, and regret it every morning

Ok, ok, I know pretty much every teenager does this, but I do it EVERY night. I go to bed at like 11:00pm, and then have to wake up at 6:50am for school. Most adults would say, Go to bed earlier!, but they have no idea what it is like to live in our generation. With Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc. having constant access, it is hard for us to say to ourselves 'No. Put the phone down and go to sleep!'.

Well done, dear blog reader. You survived the 10 facts of me. You now know a little about me and what I'm about. I hope you enjoyed reading, and that you will enjoy my future posts, when I remember to write them. Oh, and I am sorry to say, that you shall definitely not be getting that rich tea biscuits that I mentioned at the beggining. It has now departed this life, and now in a happier place (A.K.A my stomach).

Much love. See you next time!
Katy x 

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