Saturday 12 July 2014

Parents These Days...

Well, blog readers. The time has come for my next blog post... You poor, poor soul... . Now after lots of consideration of what to talk about in my next post, I have come to a conclusion. If you're a smart cookie, then you would have noticed the topic is in the title. And if you haven't, well... Go and play. Brain Training DS or something, because you really need to pay more attention... Yes, the Topic is Parents These Days...

As a teenager, I have to live and put up with parents all of the time. Probably one of the only reasons I enjoy school, is just to get away from my parents for a little while, the constant nagging, and just to generally mingle with other people. But don't get me wrong, I do love my parents.

Now, like the rest of my generation, I pretty much live in my bedroom when at home. Except when there is food involved, and the scent of my mum's cooking fills the house, and creeps underneath my bedroom door. When I do eventually move from my normal position (flopped on my bed, on my iPad, with a side of crisps), I'm like a little hedgehog coming out of hibernation, and when sunlight hits me for the first time, I'm like the witch from The Wizard of Oz...'I'm Melting!'. But usually by the time food is in my sight, all is good.

When my parents decide to intrude my privacy in my bedroom, they come in, say what they need to say, and then leave. But the most annoying-ist part about it is (other than invading my privacy), is that they do not bother to shut the door behind them! I mean, shutting a door isn't freakin' rocket science! It won't take you two seconds just to turn around and shut the door behind you! Geez...

Unfortunately in my life, I experience many embarassing moments. Don't we all though? But one of the most embarassing things that happenend was when my mum decided to walk into the bedroom without knocking... Oh god, that sounds extremely wrong... But it's not what you think, don't worry. Like I said in my first post, 'Who am I?', I like to hold mini music festivals in my front room when my parents are out of the house. But the other day, when just my mum was home, I really wanted to hold yet another mini festival. So, I decided to hold one in my bedroom. I popped on my best summer dress and ray bans on and dance on my bed infront of my mirror, with my music on loud. I was having a ball. Until my mum decided to come into my room and spoil it all... 7 words. THE MOST EMBARASSING MOMENT OF MY LIFE. Well, other than that time I... Actually, thats for me to know and you to find out.

My mother is a rather special case actually. She seems to be turning into Penny, Miranda Hart's mother from the amazingly brilliant TV show 'Miranda'. One of the ways I can tell this is by the way she say's 'Such Fun!'. Also, she says 'What I call' a few times, and then calls the TV remotes Doobries. But then again, I call them that too... Uh-Oh, I'm turning into my mother!

Well, my dear reader chums, it has come to the end of yet another blog post. I hope you enjoyed it and that you laughed at my little life conundrums. If you do have any suggestions for the topic of my next post, do contact me, as I'd love to hear what you think.
All the Best. See you next time!
Katy x

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