Monday 28 July 2014

Embarrassing, ain't it?

Well, my dear blog readers. I am so sorry for the long gap between my last blog post. Been busy over the summer holidays. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten you! So, to punish my self for my absence, I have decided to share with you my embarrassments, by doing my Top 10 Embarrassing Moments. Here goes nothing...

#10. My Mum walking in on me and my boyfriend

Now, don't worry. It's not as bad as it sounds. I'm only 14 remember. We were doing what most teenage couples do, and making out in my bedroom. And my mum decided to walk into my room, without knocking on the door...

#9. Walking out of The toilets at School with skirt tucked into the top of my tights 

This was all the way back in Year 7. I was in the bathroom at school with two of my friends. I walked out of the cubicle and both of my mates were giggling, and I had no idea why. I asked them what was so funny, and they both said it was nothing. So, we walked out into the corridor. Then this year 11 girl tapped me on the shoulder, and told me 'excuse me, your skirt is tucked into the top of your tights'. I looked down and realized what she had said was true, and realized my panties were on show the entire time...

#8. Burping whilst walking down the aisle at my brother's wedding

I was a bridesmaid for my brother's fiancee at their wedding. On the day, I was walking behind my soon-to-be sister-in-law and her father. It was all so magical, until my belly decided to do it's impression of a whale... Luckily, no one heard it, except the other bridesmaids who were all younger than me, and they just giggled.

#7. Dad doing jazz hands dance in front of my friend

About a year ago, I was having a sleepover with my friend from Primary school. I hadn't seen her in ages, it was a great chance for a catch up. Now, we were in the lounge, watching a film, as you do at sleepovers. My dad then suddenly decided to come into the lounge, and do his most embarrassing jazz hands dance, wearing only his underpants...

#6. Mum laughing loudly in the cinema

A few years back, me and my parents went up to Wales to visit my auntie and uncle. We decided to go and see Johnny English: Reborn at the cinema. In one scene, my mum decided to laugh so loudly, and in the laugh, pig snorts were included.

#5. Mum showing my baby photos to my boyfriend

In a relationship, there always comes a point where your parents want to show off your embarrassing baby photos to your partner. My mum decided to do this with one of my ex's.

#4. Showing off to my friends, and breaking my coxes

On my 13th birthday, I had a few friends back after school and we were going to go to Pizza Express for a birthday meal. Before going for the meal, me and my mates were messing around at my house. I decided to show off, and flop onto my sofa in a cool way. I unfortunately hit my coxes bone on the hard bit in between the cushions, and I broke the coxes bone... Good one Katy.

#3. Mum walking in on my mini festival

As I have mentioned in my past blog posts, I hold mini music festivals, and one time, I was doing my slutty Britney impression, and Mum walked in on it...

#2. Acting cool in front of my crush, with mum around

I was in my local town with my mum, and suddenly I saw my crush. So I decided to do a bit of a sexy walk to try and impress him. He was actually noticing me for once! Then my mum decided to say, rather loudly, 'Katy, why are you walking all weird and looking like a slut?'. My crush must of heard her....

#1. Mum walking up to my crush and introducing herself

At parents evening, I pointed out my crush to my mum, and she decided to go and introduce herself to him and his parents. She said  'So I hear you have stolen my daughter's heart?'...........

So there you go Blog readers. There are my most embarrassing, so far..... Quite funny how many of them include my mum. Says something, don't it?

Until next time
Katy x

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