Wednesday 29 October 2014

Halloween Memories

Hello there, Internet strangers. It has been an extremely long time since I have seen you last, which I do apologise for. I have a a common disease called writer's block. Wondering what to write about next.
It is that time of year when we all act our scariest, and dress up for Halloween. As I am writing this, Halloween is only two days away. I came up with the idea of telling you about my Halloween Memories through out the years.

This year is my first year of holding a Halloween Party, all of my own. My friends mentioned the idea of having a big party together, and asked 'Who has the biggest and most creepiest house??' and seeing as I live in a Grade 2 listed Old Mill (in modern day language, I have a water wheel attached to the side of my house), and that my house is hundreds of years old and has many Ghost stories, all of my friends looked at me, and asked weather I could host the party.
After sweet talking my mum, I managed to convince my parents to agree to me hosting this party. So I have 5 of my girls (the rest didn't realise they had other arrangements with there parents that night) coming to my house on Friday night, dressed up as scary stuff, while we eat pizza, chill and listen to music, play games etc. and then 4 of them staying the night. I cannot wait.

One quite scary, yet embarrassing memory from Halloween is from when I was a lot younger, and I was home alone with my mum. My dad was at a boring old council meeting.
As we usually do, me and my mum were sitting down in the lounge, watching EastEnders.  It was about 8:20pm, and it was pitch black. Bearing in mind, that where I used to live, we ever got any trick or treater's, the door bell suddenly went.

My mum slowly walked up to the door and yelled out "Who is it?" and we then got a reply in a deep man's voice saying "It's me". For some reason, my mum thought it was a man named Fred, who owned our house before we moved there. So she unlocked the door, and opened it slightly. According to my mum, she saw this 'ghastly black face with blood stains going 'roar' '. My mum screamed and said "Ew, go away!". She locked the door behind her, grabbed me and ran upstairs to her and my dad's bedroom. She told me that we were not leaving the room until my dad got home.
Eventually we found out that it was my dad's friend Christopher, and his son who is one year older than me,  Johnathan.

Another Halloween experience I had was at a Halloween Trick or Treating experience and Party that my primary school had organised. Whilst we were walking around my village, trick or treating, we were made to walk through the graveyard of the village church, when it was pitch black, and the only light was from the moon.
I was absolutely terrified. We walking in single file, but holding onto one anothers hands. When we walked around a corner near the bottom of the church steeple, there was the school secretary waiting for us to walk past, and she grabbed each of us around our tummy's. Forgetting that we had our one and only male teacher at the school, Mr Newell, with us, the secretary went out to grab him, but as he was taller than us children, the secretary, Mrs Jordan, grabbed a very private place on Mr Newell... I didn't know about it at the time, but learnt about it when I was older, in year 6.

Well, that's it folks. The end of another blog. Keep reading, I currently have over 1,700 views! I couldn't thank you enough. I never thought my blogs would achieve that many views.

Until next time,
Katy x

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