Monday 26 October 2015

The A-Z of Katy

Hey Guys! Sorry it's been soooo long since my last post. I've been having to deal with some personal issues, to do with my Mental Health.

So, as you can tell from the title of this post, I am going to do an A-Z of me. I got this idea from the gods that are Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. No, i haven't forgot how the use the space bar on my laptop. These two boys are my favourite EVER Youtubers. If you haven't heard of them before, feel free to check them out. I'll leave the links to their YouTube page at the bottom of the post.
Anyways, lets get on with the post.

A - Apple

Yup, you guessed it. I am one of the biggest fans of Apple Products. Now some of you guys may totally hate Apple, and that is your choice and I have nothing against that, but much to my Dad's bank account's dislike, I love their products.

B - Bacon Crisps

Everyone has their favourite flavour Walker's crisp, and mine is Smokey Bacon. I always bring a bag into school and have some at break time. The only downside about this flavour, is that when you have one packet, all that you can taste and smell in your breath for the rest of the day is Bacon...Luckily, Tic Tacs were invented.

C - Charli XCX

I am pretty much obsessed with Charli XCX's music. My favourite song would probably have to be Break the Rules. (Yes Mum, that is the song I am constantly blaring out from my speakers).

D - Domino's

Like many teenagers around the world, Pizza is my favourite food, and a Pizza isn't a Pizza if it isn't from Domino's. I'm very boring when it comes to Pizza, my favourite topping is just a plain Cheese and Tomato, but Oh No, not just any Cheese and Tomato. It has to be an 8 slice, stuffed crust with extra cheese.

E - Elephants

Ever since my big sister Rosie gave me a cuddly toy elephant when I was like 3 years old, my collection has expanded to over 100...

F - Facebook

I could literally spend my whole life on Facebook. I am pretty much a Facebook-aholic. Some people may think this is bad...meh.

G - Green Day

Probably my favourite band of all time. Know Your Enemy, Wake Me Up When September Ends, 21 Guns. There's a Green Day song for pretty much every situation. Not to mention Boulevard of Broken Dreams, which pretty much my life story put into a song.

H - Harry Potter

I am probably biggest Harry Potter fan you have ever met (or if you don't know me personally,you know of). You should have seen me when I went to The Making of Harry Potter last summer with my Mum. I was fan girling like a 5 year old.

I - iPhone 

I am literally glued to my phone 24/7. If I do not feel a phone-shaped bulge in my pocket (I know some of my readers will take that in the wrong way), I have a mini heart attack, thinking something tragic is going to happen and no one will be able to contact me (I know I'm not the only one *Sam Smith quote*).

J - Jessie 

If you follow me on Snapchat, Instagram or any form of social media, you will know that I am completely obsessed with my beautiful dog Jessie. She is the most gorgeous creature to walk this earth, I love her so much! Just look at her!!!

K - Karaoke

Everytime I get the house to myself, I go onto YouTube, and do some Karaoke, and pretend I'm performing at Glastonbury. Whether I'm shaking my booty like Beyoncé or being soulful like Sam Smith, I love singing.

L - Laptop

If I could, I would take my laptop with me everywhere I go. It's my portal to the Internet and things I couldn't live without, like Netflix and Youtube. It's like having my whole life in an object.

M - Make Up

I have a passion for makeup which I cannot explain. I just love it. I love all different types, makes, the whole lot. In my makeup draw, I probably have enough foundation to last me a lifetime. My favourite brands include Mac, Nars, Urban Decay, Rimmel, Benefit. I could sit here all day naming them. I do have some very exciting things happening coming up to do with Make Up and my Blog. You'll have to keep your eyes peeled. 

N - Netflix

Netflix is love, Netflix is life. That is all there is to say.

O - Once Upon A Time 

Once Upon A Time is simply the best TV series there is. I love it so much, it hurts. It's about fairytale characters living in modern day town. There is a lot more to it than that, but if you wanna know more, you know what you must do. It's extremely addictive, don't say I didn't warn you. If I can't persuade you to watch it, I'll let Captain Hook do it for me...

P - Pizza

*See letter D*

Q - Quiche

For some reason, I am slightly addicted to Cheese and Bacon Quiches..I don't know what it is about them, I could just live on them.

R - Ricky 

Like Jessie, Ricky is one of my gorgeous dogs. I love him to pieces! We adopted him in March this year, to be a companion for Jessie. He is just utterly gorgeous...

S - Sleep 

I could literally sleep all day, every day. My bed is my easiest Hello and my hardest Good Bye.

T - Television 

Like the majority of people my age, I spend a lot of my time watching TV. I love all different types of shows. I love Big Brother, Next Top Model, Eastenders, The Simpsons etc. 

U - Urban Decay

Like I said in letter M, I love make up. One of my all time favourite brands is Urban Drcay. Some people may not of heard of Urban Decay, as it is a High end brand, and it's not one of the brands you can buy in your local Superdrug or Boots. I highly recommend this brand for those of you who can afford slightly pricey make up. 

V - The Vaccines 

I absolutely love a band called The Vaccines. They're amazing! I'll leave a link to they're Vevo page down bellow.

W - Worrying 

As I suffer with an Anxiety disorder, worrying about things is my second nature. I worry about stupid little things which to some of you, may seem stupid. The most common thing people tell me to do is 'Just stop worrying'. To me, that is like telling a deaf person to 'Just listen more carefully'. 

X - ?

I literally cannot think of a thing I like that begins with the letter X...

Y - Yelling 

Being a hormonal, nearly 16 year old teenager, yelling comes easy to me. Just ask my parents...

Z - Zzzzzzz......

*see letter S*

So, that brings this post to a close. Again, sorry it's been ages since my last post. Nearly a year (!). I plan on posting more this year, but please bare in mind that I do have my GCSE's coming up, and I do have to revise.

Until next time, 

Katy x 


danisnotonfire -
AmazingPhil -
The Vaccines - 

Sunday 19 April 2015

It's been a while...

Well hello there internet. As the title says, It's been a while...... I'm so sorry I haven't posted in while I've been busy with school, social stuff etc. So I thought I would update you with stuff in the life of moi.

So, the last time I posted was in January... That feels like such a long time ago. So much stuff has happened since then, it's unreal. 2 Relationships, exams, arguments, and just stuff in general. But I won't bore you the nitty gritty parts. Just the exciting parts.

So, Valentine's day, I spent with friends, playing Portal 2, eating Ben and Jerry's, which was fun, until one of them came along with their boyfriend, so that spoilt the 'singles day'. I ended up, curled up in a corner, eating a Chinese Takeaway.

In March, my best friend Hannah and I set up a YouTube channel. We filmed a few videos, but when it came to editing them, we realised they had no sound... We've been meaning to film them again, but have never come round to it. When we do eventually, I shall let you know. For now, you can follow us on Twitter 'BeautyTeenQueens'.
Also in March, I got involved with my local radio station 'The Voice' which my dad part owns. I am now a correspondent on the Saturday show 'Out of Bounds'. If you live locally to me, tune into The Voice, every Saturday 11-1:00pm. I love doing it, Me, Deb and Toby are the correspondents and the presenters are Steve and Adam, but us teens take over most of the show. Steve and Adam just control the decks.

In the Easter Holiday, I did lots of thing. 2 birthday parties, 2 sleepovers and one very exciting thing. I went to Cardiff with my sister and saw McBusted. They were AMAZING. We were quite close to the stage, and at one point, James from the band was throwing T-Shirts into the crowd, and we caught one, after fighting over it with other people. Dougie was so close, it was unbelievable. FYI, Dougie is my favourite.

So in less than a weeks time, on April 25th, I say goodbye to being 14 and say hello to being 15. Half way to 30. I'm looking forward to it. Having a sleepover with 3 of my girlies on the Friday night, and on the Saturday, having a BBQ with the rest of my girlies and 2 of my guy mates. It's gonna be great. Had my birthday present early this year. A PS4 (thank you daddy).

So yeah, that's been the interesting parts of my life in the last 3 months. The other stuff is just the boring bits, and stuff I don't wish to post on the internet.

Until next time,
Katy x

Monday 19 January 2015

One For The Girls

Hello there blog world. Katy here.
Wow, i've actually kept my promise to you and managed to write a post once a week...Something must be happening to me.
Today, I decided to talk to you about what constantly seems to be on my mind, and the majority of teenage girls. BOYS.

Just for a general update for my blog readers, I am now a single pringle. I'd rather not go into detail.
In this post, I am not going to be talking about the hot boys in my year at school because:
A. Only the people at my school that read my blog will know who I am on about
B. Those boys, by some miracle, might be actually reading my blog.

So, instead, I decided to talk about boys in the public eye, boys that people have heard of, that's if they haven't been living under a rock for the last 5 years or so.

Zac Efron 
If you guys were like me when you were little, you all wanted to be the future Mrs Bolton, and sing and dance through the halls of East High, whilst looking into those handsome blue eyes. Damn you Gabriella. Now, he is probably one of the sexiest men alive. With that one almighty six pack, like my mum says, I wouldn't kick him out of bed.

Channing Tatum 
I first discovered Mr Tatum after watching the heart breaking Dear John. I have been fan girling over him ever since. That Magic Mike performance? Well, all I can say is I hope I have a Channing Tatum look alike at my hen night. (Mum, if you're reading this, please take note).

Taylor Lautner 
Man, this werewolf boy has had me hot under the collar ever since I saw him when he first had his hair cut in New Moon. Imagine being Bella from Twilight. Having to choose between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson?! I don't know about you, but I don't think I would be able to choose.

Whilst on the Subject of Twilight...

Robert Pattinson
As I said previously, who could choose between Robert and Taylor?! Robert turned vampires from scary to sexy. I was talking to my sister the other day and she said "When I was your age, vampires were scary and everybody hated them. Now, every one wants to marry them and have their children!".

Aston Merrygold
JLS may be a distant memory for some, but not for me. I have seen them live twice. Aston is the known favourite. He is the youngest, and the most sexiest. When he waved and winked at me on the 2012 '4th Dimension' tour, I pretty much passed out on the spot. Just ask my Mum and friend Danielle.

Nick Jonas
When the Jonas Brothers where at there peak in popularity, all the girls at my primary all loved Joe. But me on the other hand, loved Nick. Everyone called my crazy, and said "Nick? Ewww".  I think I can read the future of something, because look at him now...

Dave and James Franco (I can't choose between them) 
Just imagine marrying one of the Franco brothers. You have a god damn sexy husband, and you also have a fine looking brother in law at the same time. Bonus!

Chris Evans 
Captain America himself. I had to put him in my list because every time I see a picture of him or watch Captain America, my tongue hangs out like a dog. Also, this one is for my best mate Hannah (Love you Banana).

Unfortunately, I have to come to the end of this post. If I was to sit here and list all the sexy men out there, I would be here until I was in my 50's. I'm sorry if your celebrity crush isn't on my list. Like I said, I couldn't list every one. *sigh*

Until next time,
Katy x

Monday 12 January 2015

A Reflection of 2014

Hey there Bloggers, Happy New Year! (this is so late, it's uncanny). It's been a few months since we last spoke, it's quite sad. Sorry for my absence, I have been enjoying myself over the festive period, by repeatedly watching both Frozen and Elf, whilst stuffing my face with Chocolate and my mum's delicious homemade sausage rolls. 
Well, it's the new year, it's new me...... STOP! All I see over Facebook is this whole 'New Year, New Me' stuff..It's bullshit. You can have a new you whatever time of the year. Okay, rant over. 
So, for my first Blog of 2015, I thought I would look over the past year and do A Reflection of 2014. Let's do it chronologically, and do each month.


Well January 2014 was a month of change for me, I joined Pilton. I was really nervous, I only had a few friends there and my boyfriend of the time. Every one knew me as the 'New Girl'. It was horrible. But on my first few days, I met my what I call 'Friends for Life'. Hannah, Cara and Emily. My now friends for life has grown, but these are the girls I met on my first day/week.


Nothing really happened in February really...I settled into Pilton well. Ohhhh, I had my first Valentine's Date. I went to go and see the Lego Movie in the cinema and then had a candle-lit dinner in Pizza Express. Even though that relationship went down in flames (*cough* Taylor Swift quote *cough*), I had to admit, that was probably the cutest date I've been on to date. 


Again, not a lot happened...All I really did in March was prepare and pack my whole house up as I was due to move house in the next month. 


This has to be the best month of the year, as it has my birthday in it. (April 25th). April was another month of change for me, as I moved out of a village which I have lived in since I was born. My parents decided to move to Fremington, to be closer to our local town, Barnstaple, as before, I was pretty much living in the middle of nowhere, in a small village, Berrynarbor. 
Unfortunately for me, we moved 2 days before my birthday, April 23rd. But the good thing is my friends and I on my birthday filled my bedroom floor with some bubble wrap, and boy can I tell you, all you could hear from my room for the next half hour or so was the pleasant sound of teenage girls giggling with the sound of burst bubble wrap.


Now this has to be a month I will never forget, I had my first heartbreak. But on the lighter side, I went on a amazing trip to Wales to visit my auntie and uncle, and I had the enjoyment of having one of my best friends join me. 


All I seem to remember from June 2014 was our school sports day... I remember being really bored, having to sit with my then tutor group, which has non of my friends in it, and me then sneaking off the my now tutor group which has 3 of my best friends on it, and then suddenly I heard being shouted through the megaphone 'Would Katy Crockett please go and see Mr Powell immediately'. I knew as soon as I heard my name I was in deep shit. My tutor shouted at me for what seemed like ages, and gave me a detention for sneaking off. 


Ahhhh, the month of freedom. I always want this month to go as quickly as possible, with the thought of the summer holidays at the end of it. I remember the last day, all of my tutor group were sitting in our tutor room, staring at the clock and waiting for final bell to sound. In my head, I was repeating the word 'Summer' every second, a bit like in High School Musical...


The blissful taste of summer. How I long for it to be that time again. I remember going down to Ilfracombe, which is an hours bus journey away from where I live, to see my mates, every day for like two weeks. In that time I had two relationships...Those summer nightssss *starts going into Grease medly*


Ugh, the dreaded hatred of going back to school. Even worse, I was starting Year 10, which has the added pressure of GCSEs. September 2014 seems to be a bit of a blur for me. I just remember dragging myself out of bed every morning (which I still do now), and hoping and praying to go back in time to the summer, where I stayed in bed until like 1:00 in the afternoon.


Again, this month seems to have rushed by. My highlight was probably my Halloween party. Me and Mates had a fancy dress party at my house. The best part about it was probably us all playing hide and seek in Fremington. At the end, it was me and my mate Charlotte on our own, with the rest of them trying to find his. We were running around in the dark, and the weather wasn't too great. We even hid in someone's driveway, and the front automatic light turned on, and the other's still didn't find us.


Probably the best thing that happened in November was a trip down to Exeter with one of my best mates Hannah. We went into the Hollister shop, nearly tripped over a mannequin as it's so dark in there, and nearly fainted when one of the fit Hollister models said hello to us. Also, I fulfilled my dream and met Monty the Penguin from the John Lewis adverts.

And Finally...

My favourite month of the year (CHRISTMAS!!!). Had another heart break at the beginning of the month, and that affected me badly. Luckily I have some amazing friends who I don't know what I'd do without, so if any of you guys are reading this, which you probably are, Thank you (Shoutout, ohhhhh). Then Christmas came and I got some amazing gifts, including Guitar Hero and MANY boxes of chocolates. 

Well, thats 2014. Let's hope 2015 gonna be a good one. Started it off with a bang with Hannah and Papina, which was amazing, and now I have a gorgeous new boyfriend, and I continue t have a strong and amazing group of true, loyal friends. 

Until next time, 
Katy x